Your Dog’s First Aid Kit

August 21, 2016

Whether you’re taking your dog on a road trip, for a walk in the park, or just letting him play in the back yard, every dog owner knows the importance of the health and well-being of their dog. This is why it is handy to always have a dog-specific first aid kit to help in the event of any kind of injury. You can buy pet first aid kits or build your own from scratch with the items we’ve listed below.

Dog-Specific Items:
You’ll be putting a lot of items in your first aid kit, but these are the items that are dog-specific. You’ll need a notebook with important phone numbers — For example: your vet, the nearest emergency veterinarian clinic, and a poison control center (the ASPCA poison control center can be reached  at 1-800-426-4435). Other dog-specific items include a soft, flexible slip leash, self-cling bandages, and a muzzle to prevent biting (do not use a muzzle if your dog is vomiting, choking, or having difficulty breathing). You can also use strips of cloth to prevent biting.

Basic Supplies:
Now that you have all your dog-specific items, you’ll need to add some basic first aid supplies. These will include gauze pads and rolls, antiseptic spray/wipes/lotion/powder,  adhesive tape, a blanket, cotton balls or swabs, individually wrapped sanitary napkins, hydrogen peroxide to induce vomiting (only when directed to do so by a trained poison control expert or vet), disposable gloves, cold packs and heat packs, activated charcoal to absorb ingested poisons (consult your vet before use), vinegar or baking soda for neutralizing burns caused by acids, Kaopectate, cortisone spray or cream, rectal thermometer with petroleum jelly for lubrication, blunt end scissors, saline solution, tweezers, syringe, a tick remover, plastic bags, permanent marker, and a pet carrier.

Other Items:
Here are some other items that will be useful in your dog’s first aid kit: Benadryl for allergic reactions (if approved by your vet. You should also consult your vet for the right dosage), antihistamine, ear-cleaning solution, nail clippers, Q-tips, razor blades, antibiotic ointment, flashlight, eyedropper, temporary identification tag,a photo of you with your dog, towels, and needle-nosed pliers.

Be sure to include any additional items that your vet has recommended specifically for your dog. Routinely look through your dog’s first aid kit to replace anything that may be expired or running low. We know this may seem like a lot but it’s better to be fully prepared in the event that your four-legged buddy needs your help!

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Resources:, PetEducation, Pet Tech